
The Warning Signs of an Unscrupulous Contractor

  • Door-to-Door Solicitations
    Someone comes to your door offering to fix your roof, re-tile your floor or re-landscape your yard for a reduced price. Once payment is made, little or no work is done and the project is abandoned.
  • Verbal Agreements
    A contractor says that a written contract is unnecessary and promises to do the job with a verbal agreement. He or she takes advantage of the situation to perform shoddy work or no work at all.
  • High Pressure Sales
    An unscrupulous contractor pushes for an immediate decision about work, which makes it impossible for you to get competitive bids, check his license or review references.
  • Demand for Cash
    A contractor demands cash payments, or offers to drive you to the bank to withdraw funds. With money in hand, he or she takes the money and runs.
  • Scare Tactics
    A deceitful contractor offers to perform a free inspection, then claims that bad wiring, bad plumbing or a leaky roof put you in peril. He or she pressures you to agree to over-priced work.
  • Large Down Payments
    A dishonest contractor demands a large down payment to cover supplies and pay workers. On most types of contracts, there is no set amount for a down payment. However, it is a good rule of thumb not to let the payments get ahead of the work.
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